Why We’re Here
Now more than ever, consumers are interested in where their food comes from and whether it was produced in a sustainable manner. In response, domestic and global markets are increasingly considering environmental sustainability, social responsibility and economic viability when sourcing product.
To support Canada’s grains sector in adapting to and thriving in an evolving operating environment, the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Crops works to:
Create a national grains sustainability performance reporting based on credible data;
Research and develop farm-level sustainability measurements that are relevant to Canadian production practices (environmental, social, and economic);
Inform and engage Canadian grain industry stakeholders on grains sustainability, and
Communicate the sector's sustainability results.
Who We Are
The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Crops (CRSC) is a member-based organization that facilitates cross-commodity collaboration on sustainable agriculture issues and opportunities facing grains sector participants. Comprised of grower, industry, customer and environmental organizations, the CRSC is a national, industry-led forum developing and showcasing Canada’s grains sustainability performance.